Saturday, May 15, 2010

Second Post

Well I can definitely say that I learned a lot from this course. There were a lot of concepts that were kind of difficult for me to grasp at first, but by going through the readings again, both the textbooks and the website, I think I was able to understand them better. I think I definitely saw a lot of examples of things that I learned in this class in my everyday life, and I started noticing more as the course went on. Things like advertising, political campaigns, and even stories in the news can all have a definite slant to them, so I think this class helped me understand how to identify and really examine what kind of claims are being made, and if they are really valid or not. Everyone these days is trying to sell you on their version of the truth, and I think this class helped me become more skilled at seeing this and be able to decide for myself how true it really is.


  1. I like your mentioning about political campaigns and advertising in relation to the course. I agree that this class has allowed me to fully recognize what the ads are saying, as well as what they aren't saying. A lot of ads out there are just to make money, so they make claims that aren't necessarily true. When I was young and naive, my parents told me to watch out for savvy marketing techniques, and not to believe everything ads told me, and I didn't what was so wrong about the ads. With the info I learned in this class, I can see where they're coming from. Maybe you're the same way.

  2. I completely agree with you Fedex. I do find more and more of the concepts from both books in everyday life. In my hall government group that I participated in all year I found that concepts from The Essential Guide to Group Communication that related to the different problems going on in that group. Through this book I was able to figure out and fix these problems. It is funny how a think little book can carry so much information and be so helpful to the communication learning environment. I also began seeing these concepts on the television as well and the internet.
